Read up on laws, fee schedules, licensing applications, sales and assignments. Instructions for completing licensing applications are contained within each application document. To read and print these documents, download the free Adobe Reader.

Solid Waste And Recyclables Collection Licensing Law
  Full text of Chapter 826-a of the Laws of Westchester County.
Source Separation Law
  This document contains the full text of Chapter 825 of the Laws of Westchester County.
Customer Bill of Rights / Declaracion de Derechos del Cliente
  All haulers are required to furnish all customers with the Customer Bill of Rights.
Fee Schedule for Collection License Applications
  Fee schedule for Westchester County Solid Waste and Recyclables Collection License Applications. Contains information about current fees for Class A, B, C-2 and D haulers under Local Law 826-a.
Fingerprinting Instructions
  Instructions on how to schedule an appointment, fee information, and what documents you need to bring.
Solid Waste Commission Questionnaire
  Required for License Applicants for Classes A, B, C-1, C-2, D, L, and Brokers
Licensing Application for Class A, B, C-2 and D
Renewal Licensing Application for Class A, B, C-2 and D
  Licensing and renewal licensing applications for solid waste haulers, recyclables, construction debris hauled for others and yard waste
Licensing Application for Class C-1 and E
Renewal Licensing Application for Class C-1 and E
  Licensing and renewal licensing applications for individuals who haul their own construction and demolition debris, and scrap peddlers
Licensing Application for Class L
Renewal Licensing Application for Class L
  Licensing and renewal licensing applications for seasonal leaf haulers
Registration Application for Solid Waste Broker
Renewal Application for Solid Waste Broker
  Registration and renewal applications for Solid Waste Brokers. Entities that, for a fee, broker solid waste hauling agreements between businesses and haulers.
Applications for Commission Review of Proposed Sales and Purchases
  This is an application for permission to proceed with asset of business sale transactions, mergers, acquisitions, or other business restructuring or reorganization. The application must be completed by both the buyers and the seller. Only businesses that are already licensed to operate a waste or recyclables removal business in Westchester County may apply for review.
Subcontracting Notice
  Notice to customers that their carting seervice is being provided by a new company pursuant to a subcontracting agreement with the original carter.
Assignment Notice
  Notice to customers that their service contracts have been assigned to another carter.