The Westchester County logo is comprised of the words "" broken between "Westchester" and "" "Westchester" sits atop a rectangle that fades to white on the left and right sides with the deepest color in the middle. "" is positioned directly below "Westchester" with the "g" aligned with the letter "h." The knock-out white version of the logo uses a stack of eight equidistant ruled lines instead of the gradient box.


  • The county logo can ONLY be "county green," gray-scale or white (knock-out, reverse) using ruled lines instead of the gradient box.
  • Never change the color of the logo.

county green logo RGB


Download green logo




gray scale logo


Download gray-scale logo




knock out or white logo on black backgroun


Download white (knock-out) logo




Safety Space

  • The image files have been created with the required safety space that equals 1/3 the height of the logo artwork.
  • Do not crop the files to change the dimensions .
  • When increasing or decreasing the size of the file, the proportions are to remain constrained.
  • If you require a file with greater resolution, contact IT Graphics at .


Usage Guidelines

  • The Westchester County logo should not be modified or altered in any way.
  • Do not use the county logo in such a way that could suggest sponsorship or endorsement by the county or in a way that confuses the county with another entity and/or brand.
  • Share the link to this page with printers and organizations who will be printing or publishing the county and county department logos on your behalf.


  • County green color values are listed below.
  • Additionally, these are the values for white, #ffffff, and black, #000000.
  • When reproduced, the county logo will have shades of "county green" in the gradient box element.
  • When producing marketing materials in black and white, the printer may use either the gray-scale or color file.

County Green swatchHEX: #006056
CMYK: 90-41-65-28
RGB: 0-96-86
PMS: 3292


Use of county logo in advertising and marketing materials

  • When using the county logo in conjunction with other logos, all logos should be of equal weight.
  • The green and gray-scale logos must remain on their white backgrounds even if a page has color. The green and gray-scale logos NEVER sit directly on a color; ALWAYS on a white background.
  • The white (knock-out) logo must remain on its BLACK background. The knock-out is ALWAYS white; color NEVER shows through the letters and lines.
  • County department logos with commissioners and directors names and titles can be downloaded directly from County Department Logos Art Files. If changes are required, contact IT Graphics at .

Merchandise and manufactured items

  • Contact IT Graphics at to review artwork needs for merchandizing opportunities.